KB Radio's
Made In Canada
Join us weekdays at Noon Eastern for
60 minutes of the best of Canadian Music.
How many times will you say
"I didn't know they were a
Canadian Band"
KB Radio 8PM Eastern
The 70's Show is back on KB Radio. 2 hours of amazing tracks from the 1970's.
Every Monday we will also feature music from the same date in the 70s.
Requests are always welcome.
KB Radio 8PM Eastern
Wednesday nights Is the Top 40 countdown. The 40 best indie songs from around the world. Voted on by fans and listeners, and rated by members of the music industry. Replay is Thursday at 8AM
Thursdays 8PM Eastern
The 80s show return playing all your favorites from the 1980s. Join us with your requests every Thursday night.
Incurables Power Hour
Fridays 4PM Eastern
KB Radio
Saturdays @ Noon
Pluggin Baby Radio Show
6PM Eastern
KB Radio
Off the Air
Unfortunately due to circumstances beyond our control, the classic rock show will be taking a hiatus. Watch for news for new programming
Luxx Traxx
KB Radio
6AM to Noon
KB Radio
KB Radio gets more than 1000 songs submitted to us every month for possible airplay. Since we aren't an indie station there are limited numbers of songs we can play. Sundays from 6am to noon we focus entirely on Indie music, with "some" of the songs that don't make the regular rotation. This is still not every song we get but an opportunity for some to get played on the station.
All new and past interviews will be loaded and available to listen to again on the KB Radio Mixcloud account. Just click on the logo.